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Claim your profile to access Trustpilot’s free business tools and connect with customers. St Leger Homes of Doncaster and the Housing Office, allows certain Anti-Social Neighbours to, Harrass and Intimidate vulnerable people, by allowing anti-social Neighbours, to use their Dogs as aggressive Harassment. Their staff are Liars , Backstabbers & Two faced bullying bigots who love to make threats when challenged about their bias and hatred towards certain tenants . If you have already registered but have forgotten your Username or Password please re-register here. We will send you a reminder of your Username and Password to the email address you first registered with.
Doncaster HomeChoice Christmas Bidding Cycle will run from Thursday 22nd December 2022 – Sunday 1st January 2023
We are an award winning company which provides housing services across Doncaster. We manage around 20,000 homes on behalf of Doncaster Council. We provide homes in neighbourhoods that people are proud to live in.

It's appalling how St leger homes staff will stick together like a pack of dogs sniffing each others bottoms to lie for each other and defend each other , their is no loyalty to tenants and trust here from this housing department of Doncaster council. The Estates team staff and the senior management are Gutless scumbags. Please note our repairs and tenant portal are all accessed via our new My Access portal. Please click here to see your up to date rent account or to book a repair. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. We also ensure all reviews are published without moderation.
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We use dedicated people and clever technology to safeguard our platform. Companies can ask for reviews via automatic invitations. People who write reviews have ownership to edit or delete them at any time, and they’ll be displayed as long as an account is active. The staff here are lying , backstabbing , Two faced cowards who stick together like flies around excitement sticking up for their facsist , bigoted , mental health disabilities hating staff . If you experience difficulties with this portal or need help to register or logon, please contact us using the link at the top of the page or follow this link.
It's a shame there is no accountability because they do have many hardworking staff especially within the repair system. How these staff be allowed to hold positions of authority when there are no checks and balances where they can say what they want without transparency for them to account for the things they do and say. From Estates teams to senior management these people are cowards who hide behind their bias , unfair complaints and appeals procedure and the parliamentary housing ombudsman Service.
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